"What is there in the woods"

About the painting

Combined technique on canvas

The peace of the forest is what draws me back time and time again; all those calm, grounded trees standing there, breathing and watching, hugging the earth and caressing the sky; their calm, strength, and wisdom. It’s as if they’ve always been there, and they know everything about themselves, about me, about life. I wish I could talk to them, but I settle with hugging them.

Whether you visit a forest at dusk or dawn, when the sky is the clearest it can be or when it grows dark, when the grass is green, the branches have just begun to leaf out, when the winter fog envelops it, or when the leaves are golden, a forest is always a forest.
When there is silence, when crows are cawing, or when birds are chirping…
Winter, spring, summer, autumn, day, night, night, day…Everything is in the forest, which covers the entire area.

As in this artwork. Do you notice that?

140 cm x 120 cm

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